Trails End offers options for consumers to donate to the troops through the silver and gold donation levels. Using these donations, they are able to send popcorn and a little taste of home to our troops around the world. Here is some data showing how past donations have benefited our troops.
- Consumers have donated over $40 million worth of popcorn to U.S. troops
- In 2012 alone, consumers donated over $9 million worth of popcorn to U.S. troops
- Over 3,000 tons of popcorn treats have been shipped to hundreds of locations around the world
- Consumers have placed over 98,000 orders online for the Military Product Donation
- Trail’s End ships popcorn to veterans’ organizations, U.S. troops stationed in Afghanistan and Iraq, all other U.S. Military Bases overseas, domestic U.S. Military Bases, and families of U.S. servicemen and women.