Welcome to Pack 34. We’d like to introduce you to our pack leadership.
Feel free to contact any one of our leaders or committee members if you have a question.
If you are a parent and would like to be part of our committee, we would love to have your input. Join us at our next meeting.
Scout Committee:
Our committee consists of ALL Den Leadership as well as the following parents: Click on a name to send an email if you have any questions.
Frances Hicks – Cub Master, Advancement Chair
Valerie Mollet – Assistant Cub Master
Rick Donner – Committee Chair
Lion scouts opens up the cub scout program to our Kindergarten aged kids. The goal of Lion scouts is to prepare the scouts to move forward in their cub scouting career, learn the ways of the pack, and most importantly to have fun!!!
An introduction to the scouting program for first graders (or 7 years old). The goal is to promote activities that lead to personal responsibility, self-confidence, social skills, respect, and honesty.
Click Here for Wolf Scouts If a Cub Scout has completed the first grade (or is 8 years old) they may start earning the Wolf rank. The goal is to continue building upon the previous ranks achievements.
Click Here for Bear Scouts
If a Cub Scout has completed the second grade (or is 9 years old) they may start earning the Bear rank. The goal is to provide opportunities to demonstrate personal responsibility, self-confidence, social skills, respect and honesty.
Webelos – Den
Click Here for Webelos Scouts
Webelos is for scouts who have completed 3rd grade and continues them on their journey towards joining a Boy Scout troop while learning skills.
Arrow of Light
Arrow of Light is for scouts who have completed 4th grade and prepares them to join a Boy Scout troop while learning outdoors skills.